We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. and thanks to you for testing this alpha ! Next is Mos Eisley and Hoth. Serja - Assault on theed buildings and models, El Fabricio - Arrested Clone Trooper Animation, Contributing 3D Models, Marth8880 - Contributed animations, Advice, CADE - Created exclusive out of bounds mods for EA's battlefront 2 2017. Previously Known As "The Conversion Project" The goal of Star Wars Battlefront II Demake is use assets made FROM THE GROUND UP (and from Pandemic Battlefront II 2005) to recreate EA'S Battlefront II 2017 In The old Star Wars Battlefr! You do know the ANF models are free for the public to use, right? I will also eventually include standard conquest mode for all you that like classic BF2 Gameplay. We want to be IN the battles and that means chaos and scale (bigger maps and higher player and vehicle count). This website shown in the beginning of the mod page does not open.Is there any other way to learn more about this mod? The ground is covered in debris and tank treads and water - recreating this will be difficult. see the hardest part about doing this kind of stuff is that I need custom made props - I would love to do starkiller base, hoth, or something like the battle of ryloth space but I would need custom props, I'm terrible at making them lol. A: Not every mode is trying to De-make EA front 2.

Q: Are you using EA and DICES assets or any of their work ? You can edit one post and put all the questions in there. Maulgus - Takodana, advice, finding 3D models for use in mod. So for example if you want snow troopers on Tatooine instead of Hoth, you can swap the teams yourself !

I have considered randomizing the whole entire teams costumes once you load up a map, however this may break multiplayer so it probably will never happen. is the Mod Leader and the is the Resistance side maker.

Q: Will this eventually be release as a standalone Side (aka team) or Era mod ? No articles were found matching the criteria specified. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers.